Beverly M. Ellis
Denison Ellis' wife – RIP
Snellville, GA
Gentlemen of EncourageMen,
My heart remains filled with the love and support that was expressed to the family during the days following Denison’s death. Though I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting the group, I feel as if I personally know everyone after reading your condolences, prayers and support. My children, granddaughter and I sincerely appreciate and thank all of you for the outpouring of love that is so greatly needed to help us through this very, very difficult time. The guests have gone, the house is quiet and we miss Denison every day, all day long. He blessed our home with his love and his laughter. Though we became accustomed to Denison’s extensive travels, we knew he was a phone call or email away and he would, eventually, return home. The pain of his absence runs so deep in my heart but I must stay prayed up and collected. We talk about Denison every day and laugh at his humor and the great times we shared as a family. That’s the way he would have wanted it, that’s the way he will always be remembered…full of life, full of laughter and full of love.
For those who had an opportunity to meet Denison, he was a loyal friend who would do anything he could to help. He had the gift of gab and used it quite well. His sense of humor was timeless. He was a great friend, a devoted father and a wonderful provider who loved his children. And though our marriage had struggles and challenges, we were best friends and soul mates for 36 years. EncourageMen was helping Denison to overcome challenges, pray for direction and clarity, give and receive support. Attending EncourageMen gave him the opportunity to share, to cry and understand that the strongest of men…have struggles. He has been called home and he is now at peace. I love Denison and miss him so very much. I thank God everyday for blessing me with him and the time we shared, for the great foundation we built together for our children/grandchild and for the endless love we had for one another.
I wanted to give a very special thank you to Leon Byrd (Sonny) for assisting with securing Hope and Life Church for the final arrangements for Denison’s home going ceremony and the special words spoken at the service…thank you Sonny and all who assisted with the support! And a special thank you to Concierge Insurance Group for “making things happen”. I don’t know what I would have done without your assistance.
Denison would have celebrated his 55th birthday on April 10. Our niece prepared a beautiful dinner and we brought a coconut cake…Denison’s favorite. He brought a coconut cake for everyone’s birthday, mine, the children, grandbaby…didn’t matter, if he was buying, he was getting what he wanted!!!. We loved that about him. The holidays will be the most difficult to get through, Mother’s day, Father’s Day, children’s birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas..but we’ll get through. God is a comforter. Denison was such a family man…he always made sure the family remained together for the holidays, we will continue in the tradition.
EncourageMen… I appreciate all of you for all that you’ve done and all that you do. My prayer is that you keep the children and the Ellis family in your prayers. My son, DJ, has been ambivalent about attending the meetings, though he has mentioned it on more than one occasion. He needs the support, so if anyone could reach out to him, if nothing more than a call to let him know you’re there, it would be much appreciated. DJ, especially, misses Denison, the man to man/son to father time and talks they shared. I pray that he will find a confidante in EncourageMen. Love and blessings to all.
In Faith and Friendship,